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Nada Suvajdžić Vuković

Nada Suvajdžić Vuković

Nada Suvajdžić Vuković

All Sessions by Nada Suvajdžić Vuković

I DAN - HLS 2023 13. oktobar 2023.
23:00 - 23:45

Sesija: Autoimune hemolizne anemije

Moderator: Doc. dr Mirjana Mitrović Panelisti: Prof. dr Nada Suvajdžić, Doc. dr Zorica Cvetković

12:45 - 13:30

Sesija: Neutropenije

Moderator: Prof. dr Ana Vidović, Panelisti: Prof. dr Nada Suvajdžić, Prof. dr Aleksandar Savić

EHA2023 - Balkanski dan hematologije 12. oktobar 2023.
09:30 - 10:30

EET Session 1: Acute myeloid leukemia - Diagnosis & therapy

-State-of-the-Art lecture K. Döhner (Germany) -Next Generation Sequencing in AML: to whom, why and when? R. Antolić Margarita (Croatia) -Flt3 positive AML patients: Experience of single center N. Suvajdžić Vuković (Serbia) -How we can treat unfit AML patients? A. Vidović (Serbia) -Title to be announced A. Cili (Albania) -Panel discussion /All speakers